viernes, 1 de septiembre de 2017

Chaos and the Emergence of Order in Evolutionary Cosmology: Two Classical Accounts

This paper compares two very different cosmological accounts (a classical creationist one, from the Enlightenment poet Abraham Cowley) and a contemporary theory coming from the field of physics, Lee Smolin's evolutionary theory of cosmology which upholds the changing nature of physical laws. This is done in order to point out some striking coincidences. Evolutionary accounts of phenomena may display such seemingly enigmatic points in common due to two reasons: the nature of the physical processes described, and the cognitive instruments available to the human mind in dealing with the formation of stable objects of cognition, such as physical laws, order, regularity, and objects.

Chaos and the Emergence of Order in Evolutionary Cosmology: Two Classical Accounts 

Jose Angel Garcia Landa

Universidad de Zaragoza

Garcia Landa, Jose Angel, Chaos and the Emergence of Order in Evolutionary Cosmology: Two Classical Accounts (August 29, 2015). Ibercampus (August 29, 2015). Available at SSRN:

eJournal Classifications
AARN Subject Matter eJournals
AARN Subject Matter eJournals
CSN Subject Matter eJournals
LIT Subject Matter eJournals
PRN Subject Matter eJournals

_____. "Chaos and the Emergence of Order in Evolutionary Cosmology: Two Classical Accounts." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 21 August 2015.*
_____. "Chaos and the Emergence of Order in Evolutionary Cosmology: Two Classical Accounts." Ibercampus (Vanity Fea) 29 Aug. 2015.*

_____. "Chaos and the Emergence of Order in Evolutionary Cosmology: Two Classical Accounts." Academia  14 Nov. 2017.*
_____. "Chaos and the Emergence of Order in Evolutionary Cosmology: Two Classical Accounts." ResearchGate 15 Nov. 2017.*



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